Thursday, October 1, 2009

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - pray for us!

I write today in celebration of my blog's patroness, Saint Thérèse of the Little Flower and I ask, in particular for her intercession today of all holy days!!

One of my best friends, Laura, is due to give birth today and I have been especially requested by her and her husband, Mike, to pray that Baby Ireneaus is born today! 

They arrived at the hospital at about 2 AM this morning, finally feeling like her labors had progressed enough to warrant the trip (after three weeks of Braxton Hicks)... but after 5 hours, alas, no progress and she was discharged.

However - she's pretty far along and her labor was very quick with her first child so there is some concern that if/when her water breaks she won't have much time to get to the hospital!!

Plus there is the added fact that little Mary Grace is not allowed in the hospital (new under 18 rules due to Swine Flu) so they MUST find someone to watch MG, too!

When I spoke to Laura this morning, her exact request was, "If Saint Thérèse is on her game, she'll let us get to mass this morning AND deliver this baby on her feast day."


I have several other prayer requests, too!!

Today at 2:30 PM I am scheduled to receive injections in my lower back at Carolinas Rehabilitation. This is aimed to help relieve the pain associated with the several slipped discs in my spine.

For Anne Phillips - who will be undergoing testing this Friday on several lumps in her breasts. 

For Barbara Homans (my mom) - Anne is one of her best friends and my mom is shaken up about Anne's condition. My mother is also scheduled for her yearly mammogram this afternoon.

For my grandma who is undergoing tests this week as well... it appears she may have a muscle condition which is affecting her ability to move her legs properly. This is especially worrisome because my grandma has always had her mobility and losing that would mean a big change in her life that I know she is not prepared for.

For Tim's grandma who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.

God bless!

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - pray for us!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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