Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Money is a necessary evil.

Or so they tell me...

But sometimes I wonder why we cannot live without it. Because honestly, I can't stand it. So often it seems that money causes so many more problems than it solves.

Some of you may have seen my Facebook status today regarding my desire to start over to before we had money. I honestly think it might do us some moral good to trade goods and services rather than use money as an exchange system. I'm an artist who needs food - you're a farmer who needs to advertise your product... ta da! I create posters, emails, marketing material - you give me food.

I believe we could truly strengthen our moral character more through such a system. We would abuse what we had less - not throwing away money frivolously because we could better see how our goods were depleted through frivolity.

But I suppose that is simply an Utopian idea that will never come true...

We'd also more easily be aware if our goods were taken from us when they were not suppose to be. Today, one of my student loan accounts drafted several HUNDRED dollars more from my account then they were suppose to and with the subsequent automatic payments I have setup for monthly bills, my account was overdrawn and I was charged another several HUNDRED dollars in overdraft fees.


See, that's what I'm saying. But if some guy came by and started walking off with 10 of my cows - I'd notice!!

I know - you think I'm crazy. But let's be serious, what GOOD is all this money doing?
Money, Money, MoneySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary!

Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - how wonderful!! Check out the details in the Saint of the Day gadget to the right for more info.

I hope you will join me in praying a rosary today. If you don't know how or don't know what the rosary is...

It's a wonderful mediative prayer that has been a part of Catholic tradition for hundreds of years. In praying several prayers repetitively, we meditate on the events in Christ's life: from His conception in His Blessed Mother's womb... to His suffering on the Cross... to His resurrection... and beyond!

To learn to pray the rosary, just click here:

Prayers go out today especially for my good friends who celebrate an anniversary today - and in thanksgiving for the birth of their second daughter yesterday! Blessings abound!

Hail Mary...

Happy Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, October 2, 2009

Praise, Jesus!

Good news!

Anne went to the doctor today and had a mammogram & ultrasound performed and - voila! - no lump!

The nurse explained that what she and her doctor had felt may have just been a "trick" of folded skin. 

Anne will be following up with her doctor again to be sure so please continue to pray but it would appear we are out of the woods!

Her guardian angel is watching out for her!!
Praise, Jesus!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Incense Emissions...

From the American Papist blog today:

Vatican efforts to reduce incense emissions have proven largely unsuccessful.

[Photo: Reuters] 
Incense Emissions...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - pray for us!

I write today in celebration of my blog's patroness, Saint Thérèse of the Little Flower and I ask, in particular for her intercession today of all holy days!!

One of my best friends, Laura, is due to give birth today and I have been especially requested by her and her husband, Mike, to pray that Baby Ireneaus is born today! 

They arrived at the hospital at about 2 AM this morning, finally feeling like her labors had progressed enough to warrant the trip (after three weeks of Braxton Hicks)... but after 5 hours, alas, no progress and she was discharged.

However - she's pretty far along and her labor was very quick with her first child so there is some concern that if/when her water breaks she won't have much time to get to the hospital!!

Plus there is the added fact that little Mary Grace is not allowed in the hospital (new under 18 rules due to Swine Flu) so they MUST find someone to watch MG, too!

When I spoke to Laura this morning, her exact request was, "If Saint Thérèse is on her game, she'll let us get to mass this morning AND deliver this baby on her feast day."


I have several other prayer requests, too!!

Today at 2:30 PM I am scheduled to receive injections in my lower back at Carolinas Rehabilitation. This is aimed to help relieve the pain associated with the several slipped discs in my spine.

For Anne Phillips - who will be undergoing testing this Friday on several lumps in her breasts. 

For Barbara Homans (my mom) - Anne is one of her best friends and my mom is shaken up about Anne's condition. My mother is also scheduled for her yearly mammogram this afternoon.

For my grandma who is undergoing tests this week as well... it appears she may have a muscle condition which is affecting her ability to move her legs properly. This is especially worrisome because my grandma has always had her mobility and losing that would mean a big change in her life that I know she is not prepared for.

For Tim's grandma who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.

God bless!

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux - pray for us!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend